13 Things Men Do That Are Unattractive To Women

 Gentlemen, maybe there are days when you think it is difficult to win the woman of your dreams, and you are right. While it is easy to blame them for not finding you attractive, the reality is that many of the things that you consider "cool" about yourself are not entirely funny to them.

You may not believe it, but on Reddit a group of women revealed the things that many men find attractive and they simply do not like. I will surprise you to realize that many of these things are normal, but not for them.

1.Noisy cars and motorcycles
Noisy cars and motorcycles. It's not cool, it just makes you look like an asshole.

2. Count how many people have been

Count how many people have been

Tell us how many people have been intimate with. It's great that you've slept with a lot of women, but is that supposed to impress me? Why?

3. Men who vape

Men who vape

"Men who vape ... Losers."

4. When they show no emotions

When they show no emotions

When they all act disconnected and without showing emotions. That macho man shit doesn't work. It's okay to be sensitive, talk about things and show emotions.

5. When they are rude

5. When they are rude

When they are rude to everyone except you. What do you want to show with that? 

6. Unsolicited photos of ‘that’

Unsolicited photos of ‘that’

Unsolicited photos of 'its parts'. Seriously, guys, those photos do little for most women. Unless we request them, don't send them.

7. Pants very low

Pants very low

Men who wear pants down, leave that thing to the high school kids. A grown man should wear pants as they are.

8. Threatened virility
Equating anything considered‘ feminine ’as‘ gay ’in a boy. If your manhood is threatened by someone wearing eyeliner. I think you must be really immature and insecure.

9. That they have no personality

That they have no personality

When your personality is your job. He doesn't have time for other things; he doesn't like movies or music; he doesn't have a favorite food; he likes cars, and he has a very expensive one… And did I mention that he loves cars? Look, that's fine for a first conversation, but if it always revolves around cars and your father, who wants to talk about it every day? 

10. The men who spit

The men who spit

Spitting anywhere, like on the sidewalk, I don't understand. Also, all those idiots (including women) who stick gum on the bottom of a desk or chairs.

11. Proud men
Men who have problems with authority, who always disagree and fight with others. I can't stand that kind of pride and ego, it's not attractive at all.

12. Men who kill insects

Men who kill insects

They may call me exaggerated, but when a man sees an insect and squashes it, I don't find it attractive. On the contrary, I like that they let the insects out or help them find another place. It's better than having insect guts all over the wall.

13. Shallow Men
When they talk about themselves all the time, exalting themselves. Doing so will only get you shallow and insecure women. Emotionally healthy people want someone who can be honest, who knows how to listen and who is comfortable with whom they are.

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